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Hands installing door alarm sensor
January 22, 2024

What Are The Types Of Window And Door Alarms In Colorado Springs And Which Ones Should I Install?

Window and door alarms are the backbone of a residential security system. They protect your most frequently targeted entryways and deter intrusion attempts by setting off your alarm. But what types are available, and what might you install? Discover more about window and door alarms in Colorado Springs and determine what’s ideal for your property.

Possibilities For Door And Window Alarm Sensors In Colorado Springs

You will come across different door and window alarm sensors in Colorado Springs to accommodate your home’s exact needs and your preferences. Select from one of these kinds - magnetic contact sensors, glass break sensors, and motion sensors.

Contact Sensors Provide Reliable Protection

Practical and straightforward to connect, magnetic contact sensors are the most widely used window and door alarms in Colorado Springs. They feature a two-sided system with a sensor installed on one side and a magnet on the opposing side. The magnet generally attaches to the window or door frame, and the sensor hooks up to the door or window sash. When the window or door opens, the magnetic field breaks, and your security alarm is triggered.

Glass Break Sensors Respond to Sound, Vibration, Or Both

Glass break window alarms are available as acoustic sensors, shock sensors, or a mix of technologies. Shock sensors distinguish the vibration caused by breaking glass and attach straight on the window or the surrounding frame. Acoustic sensors distinguish sound and may secure to a nearby wall. One acoustic sensor may be suitable for many windows contingent on the size of its detection range]112]. They are sensible for spaces like basements that are a ways from bedrooms and more susceptible to broken glass intrusions. You will also discover multi-function sensors that cut down on false alarms by requiring both sound and vibration to be detected.

Motion Sensors Give You An Additional Option

When protecting your entries, you have an additional possibility with motion detectors. You may arrange motion detectors so your most at risk windows and doors are within their detection range.

More Choices for Window And Door Alarm Sensors In Colorado Springs

You’ll find additional possibilities with door and window alarm sensors in Colorado Springs. One of the primary aspects you will need to figure out is whether to select wired or wireless devices. Wireless is routinely preferred as a result of the flexibility and effortlessness of installation.

Luckily, wireless connectivity and security have greatly improved in recent years, making these sensors a great choice. Even so, there could be times when wired sensors are encouraged, like relocating to a residence with existing wiring for security.

Choose From Different Kinds of Contact Sensors

Most homeowners get contact sensors that connect directly on doors, windows, and surrounding framework. They mix easily with your interior and take up little space. Slim models are even less noticeable and make sense for different types of entries, like sliding glass doors. However, if you don’t want a visible sensor for design concerns or in light of a specialized window or door style, you can opt for recessed ones. These are placed inconspicuously just inside your entry and frame and are nearly undetectable, but a drill is necessary to place the sensor.

Get The Perfect Window And Door Alarms In Colorado Springs From Secure24 Alarm Systems

Customize your home security with your preference of window and door alarms in Colorado Springs from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Our fully integrated components supply advanced features like automatic notifications through your cell phone app. You can even program certain tasks like having your cameras engage when a sensor is set off. Design your system today by calling (719) 270-0648 or completing the form on this page.