How To Conduct A Basic Home Security Audit in Colorado Springs
How well is your property secured? That’s a basic question all residents should contemplate to ensure the protection of their family and belongings. If you haven’t thought about your home’s safety in the past year, it might be time to conduct a home security audit in Colorado Springs. By following a couple of standard recommendations, you can identify potential security weaknesses and take steps to remedy them. You might conclude that upgrading to a comprehensive home security system is your best option.
Take A Thief’s Viewpoint From Outside Your Colorado Springs Home
When assessing your home’s protection, you need to think like a prowler. Scrutinize your residence from all angles and do one audit after sunset and a second during the day, as home invasions will take place at any hour. Use these questions to guide your home security audit in Colorado Springs:
- Are there dark spots around your home? A well-lit landscape is one burglars will likely steer clear of. A couple of strategically positioned lights will go a long way to secure your grounds. On top of that, accent lighting lets you see at night and adds a nice design element.
- Are your exterior structures appropriately secured? You don’t want robbers to take the power tools, grass trimmers, and other equipment you stow in outdoor structures.
- Are your outside lights functional? A dead back porch light gives burglars a cover of darkness and indicates you might be inattentive to your security. You might install motion detection lights or other, less-intrusive options that remain on in the evenings.
- Are your doors and windows secure? Make certain you don’t have a damaged fastener or lock by attempting to open access points from outside your home.
- Are there overgrown shrubs around entries? You need to have an unfettered perspective of your landscape from the interior. Opt for smaller plants in front of windows and trim then regularly. Avoid using large bushes next to entries like garage doors.
- Do you utilize outdoor video cameras? Outside video surveillance systems are one of the leading crime deterrents you can have. If you already own them, inspect their performance and position them properly.
Inspect Your Interior Security Safeguards
Window and door sensors are crucial safeguards to protect your most susceptible entrances. Motion detectors are also great to have in the event an invasion takes place. If you already own these tools, make sure they are positioned correctly and fully functional. This is also a great moment to test your safety equipment like smoke and CO detectors.
You can upgrade to a new, fully integrated system that alerts you when a sensor goes off via a versatile cell phone app. You can even set lighting schedules and implement custom rules like having foyer lights illuminate when a camera discovers a person prowling around outdoors.
Update Your Home’s Security In Colorado Springs With Secure24 Alarm Systems
If your home security audit in Colorado Springs uncovers a few weaknesses that need resolving, consult with the pros at Secure24 Alarm Systems. We will help you personalize a complete home security plan with outdoor cameras, motion sensors, smart locks, and more. We’ll guide you on how to automate your equipment to enhance your safety and convenience even more. Dial (719) 270-0648 today to get started.